
Harmonic Egg Kingston

See why hundreds of people love the Harmonic Egg and my other services.

Success Stories


I still have the memories of what happened and I still have regret. But it’s not something that I live with every day to where I’m just unhappy every day and I don’t know why I’m unhappy. I’m a lot more peaceful now. I don’t get angry like I used to. I’m able to consider other people’s feelings more easily than I could before. Just a better person. It’s really worked wonders for me.

Jason Bobbitt

I’ve had once-a-month, two-day, migraine headaches since my twenties. The medical doctors only offered meds; never a way to reduce the pain or get rid of the headaches. A headache started before going to my Harmonic Egg® appointment and it was gone by the time I left! A few hours instead of 2 days! This is the first real relief I have ever received.

Mary Sullivan

I have completed 8 of my 10 sessions and plan to do another set when this one is complete. I notice so many little aches and pains of aging are no longer bothersome. Fibromyalgia has no impact on me now and my energy level is normal.

From my perspective and what I understand about the body’s structure, I am convinced that this positive energy of light, color, and sound has an impact at the cellular level, to do the dance of healing from the inside out.


I was diagnosed with Lyme disease along with the co-infections Ehrlichia and Babesia. Because of this disease I experienced dizziness, headaches and some tingling in my hands. I had been to the Harmonic Egg® a few years ago for some stress issues and decided to give it a try. I had three consecutive weekly sessions. After the three sessions, I was scanned for the Lyme and the scan was clean. I then had two sessions every other week, had another scan and still clean. I might also mention the constant headache I had on the left side of my head was gone after the FIRST session and it never came back! I plan to make the Harmonic Egg® a part of my life. This is an amazing healing modality.

MaryJane Casey

My experience in the Harmonic Egg® was one of complete peacefulness and a level of deep stillness and relaxation that I had never experienced before.


Since I was about 5 years old, I have worn a pair of glasses called pain. That is how I describe my childhood. Never removed or any relief. Since my visit to the Harmonic Egg®, I have come to realize the glasses are gone. After returning home, I had more strength, and something was different. Colors were brighter, I appreciated my surroundings more. The realization was gradual, gentle, until last night when I realized the glasses were gone for the first time in 72 years!


I was exhausted, burned out and disillusioned – I tried the powerful cocoon like healing chamber that is the Harmonic Egg and I promise – it left me feeling more well rested and relaxed than I’ve felt in decades. I shall be back!

N. Pattinson

Share how the harmonic egg & my other services have helped shape you.