Welcome To Wynning Wellness in Kingston

The Journey to Wellbeing, Inner Calm, and Self-Expression

Welcome to Wynning Wellness, a healing sanctuary in the Greater Kingston and Bay of Quinte area. Here you will uncover the path to a life of wellbeing, inner calm, and authentic self-expression. 

Celia Wynne, a certified holistic coach with training in alternative healing therapies and energy work, is the guardian of the Harmonic Egg Kingston and here to support you on this transformative journey.

What Wynning Wellness Feels Like:

Cultivate Wellbeing:

Together, you’ll explore the depths of your being, unlocking the keys to lasting vitality, fulfillment, and inner harmony.

Find Inner Calm: 

Navigate the complexities of emotions, trauma, and spiritual aspects, finding lasting peace even in the face of your life’s challenges.

Authentic Self-Expression:

Dissolve barriers and unleash your creative potential, empowering you to radiate with confidence in every area of your life.

Ways You Can Be Supported by Celia:


Harmonic Egg Sessions

Holistic Nutrition Consultations

Spiritual Mentorship

Book your Time with Celia and Start Your Journey Today

About Us

Meet Celia:

Just like you Celia understands firsthand the challenges and frustrations that can arise on the path to healing and self-discovery. After a lifetime of illness and trauma, she felt disconnected and overwhelmed.

Determined to find her own healing, Celia embarked on a personal journey of growth and transformation. 

Along the way, she discovered that conventional healing could only take her so far, and she craved a deeper understanding.

Seeking a more profound connection to healing, Celia pursued certifications in various alternative healing modalities. She knew that by acquiring knowledge and tools, she could not only benefit herself but also empower other women who were on their own healing journeys.

Armed with her personal experiences and extensive training, Celia is equipped to guide you on your path to wellbeing, inner calm, and self-expression.

Her Certifications Include:

  • Bachelor’s of Metaphysical Ministry (BMsc) from the University of Metaphysics in Sedona, Arizona
  • Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP) and member of the Canadian Association Natural Nutritional Professionals (CNNP)
  • Certified in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
  • Certified Hypnotherapist


Wynning Wellness Services in Kingston, Ontario

Harmonic Egg

The Harmonic Egg utilizes frequency and vibration, along with sound and light waves, to promote rejuvenation and restore your body’s health.

Holistic Nutrition

Personalized nutritional consultations to optimize your nutrition, enhance energy levels, and address specific health concerns.

Spiritual Mentorship

Learn the mindset and habits that take you from feeling like you are failing yourself to living life as your best self.

Journey Through Transformation

Concrete tools and experiences that promote your wellbeing, inner calm, and self-expression.

Through the powerful combination of Harmonic Egg sessions and Transformational Coaching, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit, helping you live a life filled with vitality, balance, and self-fulfillment.

"I've experienced a profound transformation on my healing journey with Celia and the Harmonic Egg sessions. It's not an instant fix, but the immediate impact was remarkable. Slowly but surely, I'm unraveling layers of healing that are positively transforming my life." - Lareese

"Wow, what an incredible experience my first visit was. Still processing a lot. If you see this review take it as a sign you need to go. Life altering." -Kelsey