Jason Bobbitt

I still have the memories of what happened and I still have regret. But it’s not something that I live with every day to where I’m just unhappy every day and I don’t know why I’m unhappy. I’m a lot more peaceful now. I don’t get angry like I used to. I’m able to...

Mary Sullivan

I’ve had once-a-month, two-day, migraine headaches since my twenties. The medical doctors only offered meds; never a way to reduce the pain or get rid of the headaches. A headache started before going to my Harmonic Egg® appointment and it was gone by the time I left!...


I have completed 8 of my 10 sessions and plan to do another set when this one is complete. I notice so many little aches and pains of aging are no longer bothersome. Fibromyalgia has no impact on me now and my energy level is normal. From my perspective and what I...

MaryJane Casey

I was diagnosed with Lyme disease along with the co-infections Ehrlichia and Babesia. Because of this disease I experienced dizziness, headaches and some tingling in my hands. I had been to the Harmonic Egg® a few years ago for some stress issues and decided to give...

Kirsten Anthony

My experience in the Harmonic Egg® was one of complete peacefulness and a level of deep stillness and relaxation that I had never experienced before.